Setting the Stage for Set Roulette
Everyone's favorite tournament of the month is upon us! Constructed Set Roulette. Last Sunday we revealed the legal sets for the second edition of this wacky format that lots of people seem to have fallen in love with.

Invasion, Battle for Zendikar, Master Edition 3, Darksteel, Dissension and Legions will be featured in tomorrow's tournament. No ban list. Yes you heard that right, there might be decks with 4 Mind Twist, 4 Skullclamp, 4 Mana Drain ... 

Speaking of which, it's no surprise that these three powerful cards will be the outliers of the format. I would argue that if neither of these cards are in your deck tomorrow, you are probably in the wrong. With that said, would will the decks look like then?

In my opinion, Skullclamp is the most messed up card of all these. My first foray in the format was trying to make the best of it. This deck is nice and quite powerful, but it may rely a bit too much on the namesake card and if everyone is well aware, you might be facing too much Trygon Predator, Oxidize and such. If that's the case, your deck becomes a pile of gargage.

Between Converge from Battle for Zendikar, Domain from Invasion and dual lands from Master Edition 3, it's hard not to come up with something like this. That also happens to be one of the best homes for Mind Twist with all that mana ramp. This looks incredibly fun to play and will likely act as sort of the fun police of the format, but I'm a bit worried that it plays a bit too fair?

Mana Drain. What a card. I don't really believe in this build and it likely requires a deeper understanding of the format to come up with a good 75. There's quite a few options for counterspells, but the core like Gideon, Court Hussar and Signets don't synergize very well with keeping mana open. Yet, maybe because these are all great cards and you have decent mana sinks for Mana Drain, this constitutes a playable deck for tomorrow?

What if we jam all the best cards in one single deck? Well I think I broke it, they all synergize together! Blisterpod is likely too cute and not playing Utopia Sprawl is likely wrong. That would also make the mana much better. Aside from that, this shell has my vote to what looks like the best deck in a vacuum. 

Can't make it tomorrow, but still want to watch? There will be coverage starting around 3 PM (EST) on our
Twitch channel, see you there!

Author: Pascal Maynard


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