Star Wars Unlimited Store Showdown Decklists - Top 8 | 5 mai 2024

Merci aux 25 joueurs présent pour notre 2e Star Wars Unlimited Store Showdown. Voici les decklists du Top 8!

1-2e: Maxime Thériault | Iden Versio/Dagobah Swamp

Leader: Iden Versio
Base: Dagobah Swamp
2x Scout Bike Pursuer
3x Death Trooper
3x Del Meeko
3x Lieutenant Chilsen
3x Gideon Hask
3x Count Dooku
3x Inferno Four
3x Système Patrol Craft
3x Avenger
3x Entrenched
3x I Am Your Father
3x Power Of The Dark Side
3x Make An Opening
3x Takedown
3x Vigilance
3x Vanquish
3x Superlaser Blast

1x Scout Bike Pursuer
3x Viper Probe Droid
3x Devotion
3x Repair"

1-2e: Dominic Dufour | Sabine Wren/Energy Conversion Lab

Leader: Sabine Wren
Base: Energy conversion lab
1 Heroic sacrifice
1 Wolfe
2 Precision fire
2 Medal ceremony
3 For a cause I believe in
3 Rebel assault
2 Bright hope
3 Green Squadron A-Wing
3 Red Three
2 Wing leader
3 Alliance X-wing
3 Battlefield Marine
3 K-2so
3 Sabine wren
3 Echo base defender
3 Specforce soldier
2 Steadfast battalion
3 Fleet lieutenant
3 Guerilla Attack pod
2 Fighters for Freedom

3 Disabling fang fighter
1 Wolfe
2 Regional governor
1Star wing scout
3Forced surrender

3e: Guillaume Poulin | Han Solo/Catacombs of Cadera

// Leader and Base
1 Han Solo, Audacious Smuggler
1 Catacombs of Cadera

// Ground Units
3 Chewbacca, Loyal Companion
3 Ezra Bridger, Resourceful Troublemaker
3 Fighters For Freedom
3 K-2SO, Cassian's Counterpart
3 Lando Calrissian, Responsible Businessman
3 Leia Organa, Defiant Princess
3 Mace Windu, Party Crasher
3 Rogue Operative

// Space Units
2 Alliance X-Wing
2 Black One, Scourge of Starkiller Base
2 Disabling Fang Fighter
3 Green Squadron A-Wing
3 Millennium Falcon, Piece of Junk
3 Red Three, Unstoppable

// Events
3 For A Cause I Believe In
2 Heroic Sacrifice
3 Spark of Rebellion
3 Surprise Strike

// Sideboard
2 Bodhi Rook, Imperial Defector
2 Change of Heart
3 Chopper, Metal Menace
1 Cunning
2 Outmaneuver

4e: Kevin Laforest-Harvey | Han Solo/Security Complex

Leader : Han Solo, Base : Security Complex

3 Luke Skywalker
3 Han Solo
3 Obi-Wan Kenobi
1 Vanquish
3 Syndicate Lackeys
3 Chewbacca
3 Takedown
3 Strafing Gunship
3 Kanan Jarrus
2 Make an Opening
2 Yoda
3 Millennium Falcon
3 You're my only hope
3 Waylay
3 Ezra Bridger
3 Wing leader
3 Rogue operative
3 C-3P0

1 Redemption
3 Spark of Rebellion
1 Yoda
1 Make an Opening
2 Restored ARC-170
2 Vanquish

5e: Vincent Joncas | Director Krennic / Energy Conversion Lab

// Krennic Command
// Leader and Base
1 Director Krennic, Aspiring to Authority
1 Energy Conversion Lab

// Ground Units
2 Cargo Juggernaut
3 Cell Block Guard
3 Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion
3 Death Trooper
3 Gideon Hask, Ruthless Loyalist
2 Reinforcement Walker
3 Seasoned Shoretrooper
3 Steadfast Battalion
3 Superlaser Technician
3 Viper Probe Droid

// Space Units
2 Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer
3 Consortium StarViper
3 Inferno Four, Unforgetting

// Events
3 Overwhelming Barrage
3 Power of the Dark Side
2 Resupply
3 Takedown
2 Vanquish
2 Vigilance

// Sideboard
1 Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer
1 Cargo Juggernaut
2 Devastator, Inescapable
3 Make an Opening
1 Reinforcement Walker
1 Relentless, Konstantine's Folly
1 Traitorous

6e: Sébastien Ladouceur | Palpatine/Capital City

Leader : Emperor Palpatine
Base : Capital City

Ground Units

Admiral Piett, Captain of the Executor x 2
Colonel Yularen, ISB Director x 3
Regional Governor x 3
Death Trooper x 3
Emperor’s Royal Guard x 3
Superlaser Technician x 3
Lieutenant Childsen, Death Star Prison Warden x 3
Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus x 1
Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion x 3
Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x 2

Space Units

System Patrol Craft x 2
Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer x 3
Devastator, Inescapable x 1


Power of the Dark Side x 3
Resupply x 3
Search your Feelings x 1
Takedown x 3
Vigilance x 3
Overwhelming Barrage x 1
Vanquish x 1
Superlaser Blast x 3


Restock x 2
Entrenched x 3
Make an opening x 1
Overwhelming Barrage x 1
Reinforcement Walker x 1
Relentless, Konstantine’s Folly x 2

7e: Nicolas Jamoulle | Chirrut/Tarkintown

3 Force Throw
3 Restored ARC-170
2 It Binds All Times
3 Green Squadron A-Wing
3 Sabine Wren
3 Yoda
3 Jedi Lightsaber
2 Red Three
3 Open Fire
3 Fleet Lieutenant
3 Wing Leader
3 Kanan Jannus
2 The Force is With Me
3 Takedown
2 K-2S0
3 Vanquish
3 Obi-Wan Kenobi
3 Luke Skywalker

2 Wolffe
3 For A Cause I Believe In
2 System Patrol Craft
3 Guerilla Attack Pod

8e: Michel Beaumont | Director Krennic/Energy Conversion Lab

Seasoned Shoretrooper
Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Viper Probe Droid
Villainy Aspect
Cell Block Guard
Villainy Aspect
Death Trooper
Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Superlaser Technician
Command AspectVillainy Aspect
⟡ Gideon Hask, Ruthless Loyalist
Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Steadfast Battalion
Command Aspect
Cargo Juggernaut
Vigilance Aspect
⟡ Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus
Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
⟡ Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion
Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Reinforcement Walker
Command Aspect
Space Units (7)
⟡ Inferno Four, Unforgetting
Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Consortium StarViper
Command Aspect
⟡ Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer
Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Events (16)
Power of the Dark Side
Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Command Aspect
Vigilance Aspect
Vigilance AspectVigilance Aspect
Overwhelming Barrage
Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Vigilance Aspect
Superlaser Blast
Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect

Make an Opening
Vigilance Aspect
System Patrol Craft
Vigilance Aspect
Vigilance AspectVigilance Aspect
Command Aspect
⟡ Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer
Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
⟡ Devastator, Inescapable
Command AspectVillainy Aspect


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