Star Wars Unlimited Store Showdown Decklists - Top 8 | 7 mars 2024

Merci aux 21 joueurs présent pour notre premier événement Star Wars Unlimited Store Showdown. Voici les decklists du Top 8!

1er: Michel Beaumont | Boba Fett + Energy Conversion Lab

Ground Units (23)

⟡ Greedo, Slow on the Draw
Cunning Aspect
Crafty Smuggler
Cunning Aspect
Seasoned Shoretrooper
Command AspectVillainy Aspect
⟡ Boba Fett, Disintegrator
Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Superlaser Technician
Command AspectVillainy Aspect
⟡ Bossk, Deadly Stalker
Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Steadfast Battalion
Command Aspect
⟡ Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion
Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Space Units (12)
Cartel Spacer
Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Consortium StarViper
Command Aspect
Seventh Fleet Defender
Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
⟡ Fett's Firespray, Pursuing the Bounty
Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Events (15)
No Good to Me Dead
Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Surprise Strike
Cunning Aspect
Command Aspect
Cunning Aspect
Overwhelming Barrage
Command AspectVillainy Aspect


The Emperor's Legion
Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Steadfast Battalion
Command Aspect
Bounty Hunter Crew
Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Reinforcement Walker
Command Aspect
⟡ Relentless, Konstantine's Folly
Command AspectVillainy Aspect

2e: Sebastien Ladouceur | Boba Fett + Energy Conversion Lab

3 x greedo
3 x crafty smuggler
3 x viper probe droit
3 x boba fett
3 x superlaser technician
1 x grand moff tarkin
2 x bossk
2 x steadfast battalion
3 x fett's firespray
3 x darth vader
2 x frontline shuttle
3 x cartel spacer
3 x consortium starviper
3 x seventh Fleet defender
3 x overwhelming barrage
1 x resupply
2 x waylay
3 x surprise strike
2 x no good to me dead
2 x shoot first


2 x relentless
2 x cunning
3 x reinforcement walker
2 x the emperor's légion
1 x change of heart

3e: Xavier Bérubé | Grand Moff Tarkin + Tarkintown

3 Benthic "Two Tubes"
3 TIE/Ln Fighter
3 Precision Fire
2 Infiltrator's skill
3 Death Star Stormtrooper
3 General Tagge
3 First Legion Snowtrooper
3 Vanguard Infrantry
3 Seasoned Shoretrooper
1 Power Failure
2 Admiral Motti
3 Maximum Firepower
3 Tie advanced
3 Imperial Interceptor
3 Open Fire
3 Cell block guard
3 Overwhelming Barrage
3 Ruthless Raider


3 Disabling Fan Fighter
2 The Emperor's Legion
2 Smoke and Cinders
3 No Good to me dead

4e: Simon Rousseau | Boba Fett + Energy Conversion Lab

1 syndicate lackeys
2 rukh
2 steadfast battalion
3 bossk
1 gamorrean guards
3 cell block guard
3 superlaser technician
3 crafty smuggler
3 seasoned shoretrooper
3 greedo
2 cartel spacer
3 fett's firespray
1 strafing gunship
3 seventh fleet defender
1 overwhelming barrage
1 I had no choice
3 surprise strike
2 no good to me dead
3 shoot first
2 snapshot reflexes
3 resupply
1 waylay
1 cunning


2 patrolling v-wing
1 mercenary company
1 agent kallus
1 bounty hunter crew
1 sneak attack
1 mining guild tie fighter
2 jawa scavenger
1 snapshot reflexes

5e: Tommy Audet | Boba Fett + Energy Conversion Lab

// Ground Units
3 Boba Fett, Disintegrator
3 Bossk, Deadly Stalker
3 Crafty Smuggler
3 Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion
3 Greedo, Slow on the Draw
3 Seasoned Shoretrooper
2 Steadfast Battalion
3 Superlaser Technician

// Space Units
3 Cartel Spacer
3 Consortium StarViper
3 Fett's Firespray, Pursuing the Bounty
3 Seventh Fleet Defender

// Events
3 No Good to Me Dead
3 Overwhelming Barrage
3 Resupply
3 Surprise Strike
3 Waylay

6e: Julien Guillemot | Sabine + Energy Conversion Lab

3 Medal ceremony
2 rebel assault
3 speforce soldier
3 battlefiel marine
3 A-wing
3 sabine
3 x-wing
3 rebel pathfinder
3 echo
3 fighter for freedom
3 red three
3 fleet lieutenant
3 wing leader
3 k2so
3 cause i believe in
3 steadfast battalion
3 attack pod


3 bright hope
2 mom mothma

7e: Francis Claveau | Darth Vador + Dagobah Swamp

3 Cell Block Guard
2 Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus
2 Death Star Stormtrooper
2 Emperor Palpatine, Master of the Dark Side
3 Fifth Brother, Fear Hunter
3 Guardian of the Whills
2 Imperial Interceptor
3 Force Choke
3 Force Throw
3 I Am Your Father
1 It Binds All Things
3 Make an Opening
1 Mission Briefing
3 Open Fire
3 Power of the Dark Side
2 Repair
3 Takedown
3 Vanquish
2 Fallen Lightsaber
3 Vader's Lightsaber

1 Death Star Stormtrooper
1 Devotion
1 Imperial Interceptor
1 Mission Briefing
1 Moment of Peace
1 Power Failure
1 Repair
1 Search Your Feelings

8e: Alexandre Boily | Luke Skywalker + Administrator's Tower

1 2-1B Surgical Droid
3 R2-D2
3 C-3PO
1 Rebel Pathfinder
3 Alliance X-Wing
2 Restored ARC-170
3 Leia Organa
1 Rogue Operative
3 Fleet Lieutenant
1 Wing Leader
1 Yoda
1 Cloud City Wing Guard
1 System Patrol Craft
1 Auzituck Liberator Gunship
1 General Dodonna
1 Snowspeeder
1 Chewbacca
1 Vigilant Honor Guards
1 Obi-Wan Kenobi
1 Han Solo
1 Resilient
3 Luke's Lightsaber
1 Shoot First
2 Repair
2 Asteroid Sanctuary
2 Surprise Strike
2 Waylay
3 Vanquish


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