Wizards Willing to Change Companion Mechanic?
This morning Wizards of the Coast announced what everyone expected for Legacy and Vintage; Lurrus of the Dream-Den getting the ban hammer.

There was also Zirda, the Dawnwaker getting hit in Legacy as well as Dranith Magistrate and Winota, Joiner of Forces in Brawl. I'm not going to pronounce myself on the bans because I personally haven't played much of these lately, but you can read the announcement here
What I'm interested about is the last paragraph on the announcement.

''we're willing to take steps up to or including changing how the companion mechanic works.''

We've seen erratas before, but functionally changing an entire mechanic? That's hot. I don't see a problem with that. We've seen suggestions all over social media and my favorite was that your companion would replace a card in your starting hand instead of being an entire new card. What do you think?

Wizards of the Coast always surprises me and I believe changing their ways and being open-minded about making such a change is something I fully endorse.

Author: Pascal Maynard


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