Set Roulette Reset, Weekly Schedule Changes and More!

Hello Mythic gamers,

A few updates worthy of a blog post today. 

Set Roulette Reset

We've been dreading this moment ever since Set Roulette started exactly 1 year ago. What's going to happen when we run out of sets?! Well, some sort of reset was inevitably, but a simple reset sounded kind of boring.

This is why we polled our community through our Discord server (you should definitely join it if you haven't already). Lots of good ideas were discussed, some of them logistically too complicated. 

So the original Set Roulette idea was to create chaos, unleash the most broken things and really focus on the ''breaking it'' aspect of deckbuilding. Which is why there was simply just no ban list. It led to some truly unique decklists that you wouldn't be able to find in any other format, ever. For that, I'm satisfied it happened, but I agree that it's not something I'd do over and over because the gameplay is not always great.

With a reset, I wanted to bring a twist to the format. Leaving it as is would potentially create formats that were too similar to those we've played and I can't live with that. Bannings needed to happen. I hate the idea of banning only certain cards, because who am I (or even are YOU) to say that a card will always be an issue in a given format. We literally had a format where you could play 4 Sol Ring and the winning deck didn't play any. 

We that said, here's the ban list we settled on.


My number one concern by going with a discretionary ban list would be confusion. How easily can you explain it to someone, etc. This is why I've decided that the ban list would simply be every single Magic card that are in Modern and Legacy's current ban lists as well as every Magic card that were once banned in a Standard format. The list can be found HERE.

Sets from War of the Spark up to today will now be reinstated to the draw since the problematic cards are banned of course. 

Every month when we draw a new format, the cards banned will be listed in the tournament's description page so you don't have to figure it out by crawling the long list. 

I'm excited to see how this plays out. This should drastically decrease the brokeness in the decks, but most definitely increase the gameplay enjoyability. 

You can register for this month starting ... NOW!

Set Roulette Coverage

We've had a real fun time in the virtual booth, but we've decided to pause our current coverage setup on The Mythic Society channel. HOWEVER, it will continue to exist on GoblinCredible's Twitch Channel

We noticed that most of our viewer base were Set Roulette players or former players, so we thought it would be important to keep showing matches in some form. GoblinCredible's formula of showing matches is simple and includes some light play by play commentary, which we thought would just enough to keep the Set Roulette enthusiasts entertained. We believe what viewers enjoy is checking out what decks people registered and which one are doing well.

Deckbuilding Contest

The deckbuilding contest will now work a little bit differently than it used to since it was part of the coverage. Instead, we will be sharing the winners directly through the Discord and MTGMelee tournament's page instead of revealing them on live coverage. 

Tournament Schedule Changes

We are always listening to feedback and adjusting things if attendance of a specific format lowers. A great feedback we've received was that Standard should be on Thursday so that whenever there are rotations, it's the first format we get to play. 

It makes sense since the Arena updates usually happen Thursday mornings/early afternoon. This is also true whenever there are bannings, which of all of our represented formats, Standard is usually the most affected.

Within that line of thought, Historic being the next event, on Friday made a lot of sense as well since it is usually the 2nd most affected format. 

With that said, here is the new schedule for Standard and Historic events.

Standard: Thursday 7 PM (EST)

Historic: Friday 7 PM (EST)

Now, our Premodern attendance has been taking a hit recently, yet, we've seen a surge of the format's popularity everywhere else. So we decided so try a more North American friendly starting time for it and see what happens. Note that it will also be on Monday now.

Premodern: Monday 7 PM (EST)

Vintage remains untouched, happening every Wednesday at 7 PM (EST) as usual.

Vintage: Wednesday 7 PM (EST)

Thank you for going through this wall of text, I wish I could've incorporated a bit more images, but the blog on our new website has an issue where images are messed up. Hopefully that's fixed soon lol. 

Cya on Discord Mythic gamers. 

Author: Pascal Maynard


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