New year, New Mythic Society

Lots of info to digest here, so let me first start by wishing you a happy new year. Things continue to be apocalyptic-like in the world, but at least we all got each other in The Mythic Society and I’m proud that our events fostered an awesome community that gets to hangout on a daily basis via our Discord server. Thank you so much for being a part of this.

Hang on to your chair, I have a few topics to talk about.

Vintage STAYS!

In December we held a vote to see which format you’d like to play on for our Wednesday weekly event and Vintage won the vote. I have to admit I was skeptical, but I’m happy to say I was wrong and people genuinely want to play Vintage on a weekly basis. We’re hovering around 18-20 players each week and that’s enough for me to keep supporting that format. 

I want to specifically thank Justin ‘’IamActuallyLvL1'’ Gennari for not only being a big and positive Vintage influence, but also putting out educational content as well as helping out players get into the format on our Discord!

Set Roulette Week 2

This has been silently revealed in the past few weeks, but I wanted to highlight how excited I am for this. This has the same structure (4 rounds) as our regular weekly events, but it happens only once a month, Tuesday after the Set Roulette. This is the perfect place to try out the wacky combo deck you designed but chickened out to register in the main event. Or to try the ‘’best deck’’ after miserably misreading the metagame with your terrible deck. Or simply next level the metagame by playing what beats the format’s dominant deck!

In other words, it’s awesome and I’m stoked to see the turnout.

The end of the Arena Community Cup

When we started hosting events back in March 2020, we were amongst the very few organizers offering online events. For that reason, the Arena Community Cup was thriving attendance wise, but as MTGMelee grew, more organizers joined and more significant prizes were offered through the more competitive circuits such as SCG/CFB/NRG, the appeal for our event decreased.

This is highly understandable and it makes perfect sense. This is a weekend event, in formats that are already well represented, it makes sense that if you’d want to play Standard or Historic competitively during the weekends you’d play the highest possible prize pool. We unfortunately cannot compete with those prize pools due to our subscription model which does not generate anywhere near enough revenue.

This has been an eye-opener in what we want to offer if the gigantic prize pools are not our main attraction. Set Roulette is our baby and what makes us different, offering weird formats such as Premodern or even Vintage as well. We want to continue in that direction and do what we do best: offer unique events in a relaxed, fun atmosphere, but professionally run tournament setting.

The Arena Community Cup is no more, but this brings me to the following and most anticipated announcement today.


Try saying that quickly. What abbreviation is it for? WHO KNOWS!

The PTGPPTQMF Cup is our yearly ‘’invitational’’ event that rewards the consistent and skilled players of The Mythic Society.

It will be held during a weekend of December 2021 (date to be confirmed as we get closer) and will feature two formats, limited and constructed. Limited will CUBE! YES! CUBE! Constructed will feature an unusual format. The specifics will also be announced as we get closer to the end of the year.

There will be lots of fame/clout/street cred in prizes, but also some sweet physical prizes shipped to you. Here is one I can reveal today.

1st Place Prize: Pascal Maynards entire stamped card collection (all decks drafted at a professional level since 2010 minus a foil Tarmogoyf) That’s over 3000 cards of history. Estimated at around ~3000$ in retail value.

How can I qualify you ask?

- All Set Roulette winners of 2021 will receive a qualification.
- All Mythic Level players of 2021 will receive a qualification.

WAIT. What is a “Mythic Level”? This is a new system we will be using throughout 2021 to reward players that consistently do well in our events. All players begin with no Level and whenever they achieve a 4-0 record in a weekly event or Top 8 the Set Roulette, they will “Level Up” to Bronze, Silver, then Gold, Platinum, Diamond and then Mythic. These levels will be tracked with Discord roles.

This system will be effective starting with February 2021 events with the exception of the January 2021 Set Roulette which will have the winner invited to the PTGPPTQMF Cup.

All 2020 Set Roulette and Arena Community Cup champions will start at Silver Level.

People with 9 months or more of Twitch subscription fidelity will start at Gold Level, as a way to compensate for the Twitch giveaway being discontinued discussed in the following topic. If you are one of those people, please email us at so we can match your Twitch username to your Discord username.

Weekly Events Prize Changes and Twitch Giveaway Discontinued

A new year also meant an inspection of our budgets and unfortunately we have to make cuts somewhere. We’ve had a few people literally DM me on Discord saying that we were probably giving out a bit too much prizes considering our low entry fees. First of all, thank you for caring about the well being of the organization, you don’t hear that every day.

With that said, our weekly events 4-0 prizes are going to be affected, granting 25$ in store credit instead of 35$. On the other hand, 4-0 prizes now grant LEVEL UP as part of the PTGPPTQMF Cup section. Effective in February.

We acknowledge that these changes may not please everyone, therefore, if you would like to cancel your monthly subscription when February begins, please reach out to us at

Switching Subscription Provider

This is still a work in progress that we cannot share much info about, but what you need to know is that we are going to eventually move away from Twitch. We’re going to use a different platform to take your subscription entry fee, so please don’t subscribe MULTIPLE months in advance! This will save us a lot of work when time comes to merge to the new one.

That’s it! I hope you will enjoy our changes and that we’ll see you play our events in 2021. Have a great weekend folks.

Author: Pascal Maynard



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