December Schedule: Vintage and new MTGO matchmaking!
Hello wonderful community, Pascal here.

We ran bi-weekly Premodern events for the past few months as a way to give a bit more visibility to the format. Now that it's been a while, it's time to add a new format to our schedule! We polled our community through our Discord server and to my surprise, Vintage won the vote. 😲

That means, starting tomorrow, every Wednesday 7 PM (est) tournament will be Vintage! Tell your friends, bring your Moxen and win some store credit!

We are also introducing a little change in how we tell you to challenge within MTGO. That goes for all events run on MTGO (Premodern, Vintage and Set Roulette).

We would previously ask you to add each other as buddies and then right click your opponent's name and send a challenge. It was easier, but it created an issue where both players had 40 minutes on their clock. 

Now, this new way of doing things will get rid of that and each player will have the regular 25 minutes as intended. 

That's all I got for you, have a great month of December and happy holidays in advance!

Author: Pascal Maynard

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